Your Style Revealed

Discover Your Style and Show Your Confidence

In this fast-paced world, we have a short window of time to make an impression.

When you present yourself authentically, with intention, you will have the advantage. Everyone's got a unique style. By acknowledging and honoring exactly who you are, and then using color, hairstyle, makeup, and fashion to your advantage, you can express the essence of you. And that's a beautiful thing!

For more than 30 years, I've helped women not only look their best, but feel absolutely radiant as they tap into their authentic selves. I combine the science of color, the art of Fashion Feng Shui® - dressing with intention - and my knowledge and experience as a sought-after appearance coach to help you reach your potential. It's what I love to do, and it's what I do best.

Unearth Who You Truly Are

It's about affecting others without saying a word

I am here to help you do three simple things

Discover your unique style.

It all begins here, because if you don't know who you are, you can't pursue the style that's all yours! I help you break it all down.

Become mindful of what colors, textures, and shapes suit you

Are you dressing as the leader you want to be? Are you always wearing black? Are your color choices showing your strength or your weaknesses? I can teach you to tap into what flatters you.

Exude confidence as you seek what you want

Are you focused on the next level of your success? Are you seeking more romance or fun in your life? I guide you in naming your intention so you can present the exact image that will propel you towards you goals.

As we pull these three strands together, you will feel good about who you are and how you look.

Success is where preparation and opportunity meet

Bobby Unser

Fashion Feng Shui®

The Soul of Style

Who you are is what you project. Is that true for you? If not, it's time to make a change.

Fashion Feng Shui® unleashes the power of dressing with intent. We all have our unique personality and style. By claiming yours, you are more likely to resonate with your surroundings, which brings success and happiness. Do you pursue perfection? Passion? Purpose? Your image should proclaim it! Are you stuck on how to find the look that expresses who you are, tailored to what you want? I can help. I am a trained Fashion Feng Shui® practitioner. Together we can identify your Elemental Archetype and look at your essence, intention, and appearance to find the hair, clothes and accessories that project who you are at your best.